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Looking For Energy Efficient Reports?

Building and Environment Sustainability is vital for your new dwelling. Thermal Certificates can help ensure your dwelling passes. With years of experience in building and design consulting, our specialist Energy Efficiency Report Certifiers will provide you with an efficient and cost effective service for all new development and complying development applications.

What Information Do I Need To Provide for my BASIX or NatHERS Certificates?
For us to provide you with the BASIX and NatHERS Certificates, we need the following documentation:

– A full set of architectural plans for the construction of your proposed development.
– The DP number of the property
– The Lot and house number of your property
– North point shown on the site plans
– Construction details, including walls, floors and roof.
– Window schedule

BASIX Certificates require additional information, including the appliance star ratings, landscape area, ventilation, air-conditioning and lighting. We’ll request any further information, if required.

You can send this information to us at email: plans @ ecltec.com

Get your building approvals on time, on budget without the stress!