
What Is A Sufficient Dividing Fence in NSW?

What Is A Sufficient Dividing Fence in NSW?

This is a question asked by many property owners in NSW. This is because disagreements over dividing fences can often cause friction between neighbours. Generally, the basic principle under The Dividing Fences Act 1991 (NSW) states that, as adjoining owners, you are required to equally share the cost of a “sufficient dividing fence”. Should your neighbour disagree about the kind of fencing that is to be built, then you can choose to seek a resolution through mediation.


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What's the difference between CDC and DA?

What’s The Difference Between CDC & DA?

Are you wondering what’s the difference between CDC and DA? And, which one is the best planning approvals process is for your new project? Well, read on to find out more about which planning pathway is right for your development!